Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hammered Heart Ring

Heavy hammered sterling band with hammered copper heart fastened with a brass rivet for contrast!
Oops! I see a tuft of my polishing buff caught on the rivet! Amazing what shows when you look at an enlarged photo! 
Email for Detail!


Unknown said...

This ring is beautiful. Can you please tell me the availability and pricing? Also I am in the Caledon, Ontario area. Is this alright for shipping etc?

Thank you kindly,
Alice D

Marnie Astley said...

Thank you Alice - just the one made I can make one for you in your size if you like and yes I can mail it to you. Unfortunately I'm unable to contact you as your blogger profile is marked 'Private' so if you could email me at silverstrumpet @ or with your contact info or phone # it would be helpful